THE HAUNTED HACIENDA: the art of the Mexican horror film
Now through June 24th, 2006

El Vampiro (1957)
The Vampire
Vintage 28x38 Linen backed
One-sheet $2000 Framed
La Invasion de Los Vampiros (1963)
The Invasion of the Vampires
Vintage 28x38 Linen backed
One-sheet $1200 Framed

El Vampriro Sangriento (1962)
The Bloody Vampire
Vintage 28x38 Linen backed
One-sheet $1200 Framed

La Sangra de Nostradamus (1961)
The Blood of Nostradamus
Vintage 28x38 Linen backed
One-sheet $1200 Frame




Dracula (1931) Dir George Melford
Carlos Villarías, Pablo Álvarez Rubio
24x30 Archival digital print $500 Framed
The Spanish-language version of Dracula was filmed on the same sets and at the same time as the Béla Lugosi version. The Lugosi version was filmed during the day, and the Spanish-language version was filmed at night. This version runs nearly a half-hour longer than the English version. Oddly, the director, George Melford did not speak or understand Spanish. Although this version was shot in Spanish, it became a mixture of dialects since the cast came from Mexico, Spain, Central and South America.

La Momia azteca contra el robot humano (1958)
The Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy (USA)
24x30 Archival digital print $500 Framed

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