A Journal on the Making of the Motion Picture
2010: The Year We Make Contact
and personal reflections of Hollywood
by John Huckert

Case Binding | Dust Jacket | 6 x 9 | 402 pages| ©2024
ISBN: 978-1-7861070-4-1


"Only in America can they build a Russian spaceship and go way over budget...and still won't fly!
Thanks to the boys at 2010".
--Grafitti from the bathroom adjoing Stage 15 at MGM

All These Worlds Are Yours is a fascinating firsthand account of the making of the sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey.

The year was 1984. The film was MGM's biggest gamble to save the studio. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences and the American Film Institute unanimously picked neophyte John Huckert for a Directing Internship on the film 2010: The Year We Make Contact. As Huckert learned, observed and participated, he kept a journal, documenting his experiences for the entire 71 day shoot.

All These Worlds Are Yours  is a treatise of one independent filmmaker’s journey into the world of big budget Hollywood filmmaking. The book compiles his Official Internship Report with his uncensored 1984 journal along with his before and after career goals, their final unexpected results and his perspective now – 40 years later. It offers a unique and personal perspective on the making of the underrated and underappreciated sci-fi sequel and some juicy insights about many of the major talents in Hollywood at the time.
Through Huckert's eyes, we get a firsthand account of the challenges making one of the most expensive films in Hollywood while offering a glimpse into the often chaotic world of filmmaking. From hilarious anecdotes to emotional fallouts, All These Worlds Are Yours  captures the ups and downs of the filmmaking process. Whether you're a die-hard fan of the film or just interested in the profession of moviemaking, this book is a must-read.
But All These Worlds are Yours is not just a chronicle of the making of a movie. It's a story about the people, a virtual who’s who of some of the most major Hollywood talents and celebrities at the time who helped bring the film to life, their triumphs and failures, their struggles and successes. With Huckert's witty and insightful writing, readers are taken on a journey that's sometimes funny, sometimes sad, and often poignant.

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